Wees op jou hoede op sulke plekke

"We confuse the pressence and goodness off God with the absence of problems" Na aanleiding van 'n preek wat ek van Steven Furtick geluister het op You Tube kon ek nie anders as om sy boodskap te deel nie. Ek gaan dus deurgaans van Sy boodskap hier aanhaal. In 'n tyd soos hierdie is dit nodig dat die kinders van God dit moet hoor. Are we gonna view our live trouht faith or fear? Satan val ons so aan sodat ons ons hoop op die Here sal verloor, hy wil ons in depressie hou, as hy ons nie kan bykom val hy ons geliefdes aan, ons verhoudings…alles om ons te breek…"to bring us down" 2King 6:8 " Now the heart of the king of Aram (Syria) was enraged over this thing. He called his servants and said to them, “Will you not tell me which of us is helping the king of Israel?” One of his servants said, “None [of us is helping him], my Lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet WHO IS IN Israel , tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.” 2 Kings...